Frontier Mechanical Systems (FMS) is prepared to provide a team that is committed to be an integral member of a partnership that will be involved at all facets of the project from the RFP through a successfully completed project.
FMS incorporates the Reliability Planning System. This is a closed-loop management process for planning and releasing work. It has a feedback and measurement process that guides a built-in improvement process. Continued use of the process is the action for assuring success. Production is managed so that actions are aligned to produce unique value for the customer.
Project duration and cost are considered in ‘project-as-production-system’ terms making concern for project total cost and duration more important than the cost or duration of any single activity. Coordination is accomplished in general by the central schedule while the details of work flow are managed throughout the organization by people who are aware of and support project goals, as opposed to activity or local performance.
Value to the customer and throughput, the movement of information or materials to completion are the primary objectives. Lean thinking forces attention on how value is generated rather than how any one activity is managed. Implementing lean means adopting a ‘project-as-production-system’ approach to construction, defining the objective in customer terms, and decentralizing management to maximize throughput and reduce inventories.
Our change order history is less than 2% and we have a proven track record of satisfied clients throughout our history.